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WooCommerce Segment.io Integration

Tracks WordPress & WooCommerce’s recreation & send data in accordance with Segment.io

Track e-commerce occasions , website online occasions yet greater automatically. No coding necessary. No changes after JavaScript / CSS then object files. No as regards PHP then HTML.

Simply installation the plugin, run up your Segment.io API articles yet ye would lie tracking the entirety instantly.

WooCommerce Segment.io Connector integrates together with Segment.io (http://segment.io/) – an analytics aggregate and relay service. Segment.io lets thou send you analytics statistics in accordance with somebody situation ye want, without you lowlife after integrate together with every some individually.

Segment.io lets ye send you analytics statistics to:

AdRoll, BitDeli, BugHeard, bugsnag, Chartbeat, ClickTale, Clicky, Comscore, Countly, Crazyegg, Crtittercism, Customer.io, Errorception, Flurry, Foxmetricks, Guages, Google Analytics, GoSquared, Heap, Help Scout, HitTail, HubSpot, Improvely, Intercom, Keen.io, KISSmetrics, Klaviyo, Librato, LiveChat, Localytics, Lytics, Marketo, Mixpanel, Olark, Ominture, Optimizely, Outbound, Pardot, Perfect Audience, Pingdom, Preact, Qualaroo, Quantcast, Salesforce, Sentry, SnapEngage, Totango, USERcycle, Userfox, UserVoice, Vero, Visual Website Optimizer, Woopra, Webhooks, except base according to combine together with each then every one, saving you a much of time.

Segment.io shops your analytics facts because another use. So condition you want in accordance with swap into these services, you be able function that by using flicking a button. No adjustments required over you website. No guide imports. No deprivation regarding data!!

Following occasions will remain tracked by using default:

  • Registration structure seen
  • New user registered
  • Logged in
  • Logged out
  • Viewed account
  • Password changed
  • Address updated
  • Track post
  • Track page
  • Track archive
  • Track searche
  • Viewed product
  • Added to cart
  • Removed from cart
  • Viewed cart
  • Coupon applied
  • Checkout started
  • Calculated shipping
  • Payment started
  • Completed purchase
  • Viewed order
  • Tracked order
  • File downloaded
  • Re-ordered
  • Order cancelled
  • Commented
  • Reviewed product

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