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The plugin allows you to divide the checkout process into several stages. You will significantly reduce the percentage of abandoned baskets caused by a too-filled checkout page and too many fields to fill.

A / B testing on checkout pages (analysis conducted to find out which ordering structure works best on sites e-commerce), turned out to be the best choice for better user experience when buying.

This is due to the fact that the multi-stage structure helps customers feel more comfortable during payment transactions, as they better understand what step they are taking.

When placing an order, customers usually need to add a lot of data to the same page, and this process may seem long and confusing. In a word: disappointment.

Multi-step validation helps sort data and break it down into different and progressive sections: this is much clearer from the point of view of customers. This avoids confusion and reduces possible errors when filling out forms. Thus, the rejection of the basket and the general problems of websites with complex orders are so reduced that they will save you from losing customers at the last stage of the order process! 

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