The WPBakery Page Builder (Visual Composer) plugin is very popular – its endless possibilities are relevant when creating any type of site. The main advantage is the absence of the need to manually work with shortcodes – with the help of the Ultimate Addons for WPBakery Page Builder plug-in this process can be facilitated, moreover, any object can be placed on the page without having to interfere with the page code, understand it. In addition to the main functions of the plugin, there are additional ones that can increase its usefulness.
Icons. This element can be used to integrate a simple image (font and image, both types) on your page and use it as you wish. Or you can use the WPBakery Page Builder grid and display a list of logos for your customers, partners, sponsors, etc.
Info Box – Perhaps the most popular trend right now, Info Boxes really makes your site great, helping you highlight the important things that you have there is.
Info List – Traditional HTML lists are boring, right? These items simply rename lists. You can take the opportunity and use its cool design to show some process or simply highlight the most popular / related products, services and functions.
Flip box– This element combines all the features of the Info-Box and Call to Action blocks. On the front panel, it looks like a normal information block, but when the visitor hovers over the block, it flips over with the cool CSS3 effect and shows the “Call to Action” section, which provokes it to click.
Counter – want to show your achievements, achievements and any other digital statistics with animated numbers? This item will help!
Interactive Banner – graphic banners are always useful, as they are very convenient and obvious to accurately convey your message. This item will display these image blocks in a more convenient and interactive way.
Modal popup box– This is one of the very useful elements that you can use on any website. Create modal pop-ups and paste whatever you want in the pop-up through the easy WYSIWYG editor.
Timeline Display a timeline in the style of Facebook or just showcase your functions, processing or highlighting. The developers made special efforts using special javascript and CSS codes to make it as perfect as possible.
Extended Google Maps – WPBakery Page Builder comes with a default Google Maps item. But the Extended Googles Maps element uses the latest APIs and allows you to do more with it. Upload marker images, write your own HTML code in the map information field and control everything connected with the map.
Info Box – Perhaps the most popular trend right now, Info Boxes really makes your site great, helping you highlight the important things that you have there is.
Info List – Traditional HTML lists are boring, right? These items simply rename lists. You can take the opportunity and use its cool design to show some process or simply highlight the most popular / related products, services and functions.
Flip box– This element combines all the features of the Info-Box and Call to Action blocks. On the front panel, it looks like a normal information block, but when the visitor hovers over the block, it flips over with the cool CSS3 effect and shows the “Call to Action” section, which provokes it to click.
Counter – want to show your achievements, achievements and any other digital statistics with animated numbers? This item will help!
Interactive Banner – graphic banners are always useful, as they are very convenient and obvious to accurately convey your message. This item will display these image blocks in a more convenient and interactive way.
Modal popup box– This is one of the very useful elements that you can use on any website. Create modal pop-ups and paste whatever you want in the pop-up through the easy WYSIWYG editor.
Timeline Display a timeline in the style of Facebook or just showcase your functions, processing or highlighting. The developers made special efforts using special javascript and CSS codes to make it as perfect as possible.
Extended Google Maps – WPBakery Page Builder comes with a default Google Maps item. But the Extended Googles Maps element uses the latest APIs and allows you to do more with it. Upload marker images, write your own HTML code in the map information field and control everything connected with the map.
Ultimate Addons for WPBakery Page Builder v3.19.4 NULLED