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OpenCart provides analytics, but it is implemented in such a basic form that it will not be enough even for a small store.
However, for many questions, you can find a solution using this module IMReport – Extended reporting of sales and orders (Report “Hot Selling”, “Customer Group”, “Orders by region (delivery)”, “Manufacturers (volume of products)” and etc).

1. Normal calculation of the amount. In the standard analogue “Report on purchased goods”, the amount is calculated incorrectly.
2. Ability to upload data to CSV files.
3. Powerful advanced filters (customers, customer groups, categories, manufacturers and so on)
4. Each of the reports is tailored for solving the most important tasks, so you do not need to “rummage through the configurations and invent something” (and the client report has as many as 3 unique modes). In simple words, a tool for people. Open and use.
5. Filtering and paging is done on the JS client side. Filtered the data once and “twist and rotate it as you like” (this approach in practice turns out to be more profitable than server filtering, sorting and paging, since data is transmitted once, and JS performs filtering and paging very quickly; in addition, in the case of a conventional server-side approach, filtering and paging blocks the main database tables, which, with large amounts of data, will cause unnecessary braking for your online store customers).
6. Ajax data loading – no need to reload the form every time. Everything is done quickly and conveniently.
7. And many other “snacks”.

Hot Selling Report
As the name suggests. This report allows you to analyze all products sold for their popularity. A very convenient report for those who need the strengths and weaknesses of the entire turnover.

“Products by Options”
report This is an extended version of the “Hot Selling” report, where all purchases of an item are broken down by their configuration in options. In other words, you can find out how many computers were in circulation, computers with added 8GB RAM, computers with a non-standard case, computers with memory and with a case, and so on.
This report is especially useful for those who have options that strongly influence product sales. For example, textiles (eg clothing), appliances (eg computers), food (eg
pizza shop), and so on.

“Stock balance”
report This report allows you to find out the stock balance for a specified category, manufacturer and filter of the date of adding an item. A special feature is that the report presents the balance both for the product itself and for its individual options.
This report is especially useful for those who have an online store associated with a real store. Or, an online store is an intermediary between various suppliers and the end customer.
Keep in mind that the capabilities of the browser are not as great as those of Excel or OpenCals. It is quite difficult for the browser to display thousands of positions. Therefore, if you need to analyze a sufficiently large volume of goods, for example, all products from 20,000 positions (including options), then it is better to use the upload to a CSV file, since Excel and OpenCalc can easily cope with such loads.

Inventory control
report This report allows you to quickly find out what goods are in short supply in the warehouse and must be ordered from suppliers. The report is used in two stages.
The first. On the “Control of stocks (settings)” tab, you need to set the minimum stocks for goods and their options. Please note that if the value is negative, then such a product will be displayed in accordance with the report settings. If a specific value of the minimum required balance is specified for a product or a product option, then such a product or option will be displayed in accordance with whether there are enough of them in the warehouse or not. If you want to hide a product or an option from the report altogether, then it is enough to specify the value 0 (there can be no less than zero residues).
Second. Once you have specified the settings, you can use the report. For all products or options that have negative or no residuals specified, the “Minimum quantity (default)” filter value is applied. So if you have the same quantity of most of the products or their options, then they do not have to be specified.
Note. To simplify the process, the initial minimum quantity is specified in the localization file. The “default_min_need_quantity” parameter.
Note: It is possible to quickly edit values ​​directly from the report.

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