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Facebook Instagram Twitter Feed – WordPress Social Stream & Grid Gallery Plugin

Grabber of content from social networks – such as Twitter, Facebook, Google+, SoundCloud, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, Foursquare, Vine, Dribbble, Flickr, WordPress, YouTube, Tumblr, Vimeo, as well as RSS feeds from any WordPress sites.

How the plugin works
You create streams in the Flow-Flow plugin and copy their short codes. Then you put these shortcodes in any widget, on any page / post of your site. When a social stream is displayed for the first time, it is cached (it takes more time for initial caching, but then it will be demonstrated incredibly fast), and visitors see this cache.

For example, if you set a 20-minute cache and 10,000 users visited your site during these 20 minutes, then only once will the plugin request an API to retrieve data, and the rest of the time, users will see cached data that is issued almost instantly. Given that the server runs the cache update task in the background, it guarantees amazing plugin performance.

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